1-1-1: Sabbath, Sleep & NBA Road Games

Jan 14, 2025



“John, listen to your body. Sleep!”

– Yung Soon Teter (the best Mom in the world)


The Sloan Sports Analytics conference is an annual gathering of the sharpest minds in professional sports. A few years ago the theme of the conference was sleep. Charles Czeisler gave a talk about the impact of sleep (or lack thereof). He shared about a 10-minute talk with the Boston Celtics that turned into a 2-hour Q & A because they had so many questions about sleep. They were so interested because NBA players suffer from sleep deprivation because of road trips. The smartest bet in all of sports is shorting the road team playing the second game on back-to-back nights. These games are called ‘scheduled losses’ by NBA coaches. Research revealed a 25 year-old elite athlete operating on consecutive four-hours of sleep nights has the same testosterone levels of a man age 36. Testosterone impacts muscle mass, oxygen, mental focus, drive and injury. Research also connected coaches lack of sleep with the number of tantrums, outbursts and technical fouls. No sleep, no self-control.

Sleep is a great gift from God. Sleep teaches us we are not self-sufficient beings. We are creatures wholly dependent on our Creator. It is amazing that we spend roughly 1/3 of our lives asleep but still believe we can handle life on our own. The book of Genesis provides sharp readers a theology of sleep. God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam. While he was asleep, God removed one of his ribs to create Eve (Genesis 2:21). Why the rib? I believe it is a foreshadowing of the suffering of Christ. Adam had a scar on his side because he suffered for his bride. Jesus was pierced by the guard on the cross, and today has the same scar, because He suffered His bride, the church. While Jacob was sleeping God showed him the large ladder connecting heaven and earth (Genesis 28:11). This destiny revelation changed Jacob’s life, resulting in his new name, Israel (Genesis 32:28). 

Sabbath is a weekly reminder of how much we need sleep (and a great opportunity to catch up on lost sleep). Even NBA athletes wilt without sleep. The Psalmist wants us to know that God is not like us. He does not sleep nor slumber (Psalm 121:4). We sleep. God moves.


Sleep is an act of worship and a practical way to embrace God’s limits in our lives. God works for those who wait for Him (Isaiah 64:4), even as we sleep. As you remember Sabbath this week, will you ask God to experientially expand your theology of sleep?

Until Next Tuesday,


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About the Author

John Teter is a pastor, mission leader, and author based in Long Beach, California. He's written four books on the topics of theology and evangelism, and a growing library of articles.