1-1-1: The Seven Signs That You Abide in Christ (Voice)

Dec 10, 2024



Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue.

– Andrew Murray


If you were born before 2000, you had a ‘play-based childhood.’ If you were born in the 2000s, you have experienced a ‘phone-based childhood.’ If you are under 25, you’re likely  not familiar with Caller-ID. (Or stretching the wall-phone cord to the absolute limit sitting on the kitchen floor.) Before Caller-ID, when you picked up the phone you had no idea who was on the other end. Until you heard their voice. You then made a split second decision, “Is this a tele-marketing stranger or someone I know and love?”

The fifth sign of abiding John 15 is that we hear the voice of Jesus. The voice of God goes back to the creation account (Genesis 1:3). In John, Jesus is the Bridegroom who speaks (3:29). The dead hear his voice and live (John 5:25). The sheep hear his voice (10:3). The sheep do not know the voice of the stranger (10:5). Lazarus hears the voice of God and walks out of his tomb after being dead six days (11:43).

During his last night on earth, Jesus prepared his disciples to relate to him in Holy Spirit form by focusing on hearing his voice. He confides in them because they have an intimate relationship. This is what friends do (John 15:15). And so it is to be with us today. Jesus is always speaking to us. He wants us to know beforehand his plans of love, grace, healing and fruit for our lives. This is critical for Christian leadership. Intimacy is the portion and privilege for every leader God sends. Intimacy with God must be a priority for every Christian leader. We hear his voice first. And lead our people second.


There are so many voices in our world today. Most of them are strangers, thieves and hired hands. But the Good Shepherd calls us by name, leads us into green pastures and still waters, and is the only One who lays down his life.

How can you make certain that Jesus is the loudest and clearest voice in your life this week?

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About the Author

John Teter is a pastor, mission leader, and author based in Long Beach, California. He's written four books on the topics of theology and evangelism, and a growing library of articles.