1-1-1: The Seven Signs That You Abide in Christ (Love)
Dec 31, 2024
“I could make you happy, make your dreams come true
There is nothing that I wouldn’t do
Go to the ends of the earth for you
To make you feel my love.”
– Bob Dylan
I love the song ‘To Make You Feel My Love’ by Bob Dylan. The song was released on the album Time out of Mind; a later, wise, reflective album.The song has been covered by Sheryl Crow, Adele and I am still holding out hope for John Legend to throw his hat in the ring. I learned the song of the guitar and played it for Becky on the beach when we began dating. I relearned the song and played it for Becky at her surprise 50th birthday party. I have sang this song for years when putting the children to bed. At the very center of our hearts, we long to travel, and be like a child, going where we know we are loved.
On the last night of Jesus’ earthly life, he framed the experience of the disciples around love. The evening begins with Jesus loving his disciples to the end (John 13:1). The evening ends with Jesus asking the Father to fill his disciples with the love they shared before the world was created (John 17:26). Everything that happens in the last night is centered on love. The word love appears 32 times in John 13-17.
The seventh and final sign of abiding in Christ is love. Disciples sacrificially loving one another is the tell-tale sign that we are living in Jesus. As we are filled with Jesus’ servant love, we will demonstrate that love by washing feet and praying for others. And the most joyful discovery is that when we put on the servant towel, or kneel to pray, we will find Jesus already loving our friends, families and enemies. Jesus’ love is an invitation to intimacy in our being and doing!
Today is the last day of 2024. As you look back on the year how have you experienced the servant love and prayer-power love of Jesus?
Until Next Tuesday,
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About the Author
John Teter is a pastor, mission leader, and author based in Long Beach, California. He's written four books on the topics of theology and evangelism, and a growing library of articles.