1-1-1: The Broken Copier & Fellowship with God

Feb 18, 2025



“With my sunglasses on I’m Jack Nicholson. Without them, I’m fat and 60.”

– Jack Nicholson


I once had a phone conversation with Jack Nicholson. Yes, that Jack Nicholson. The actor who has been an A-list Hollywood superstar for 50+ years (Chinatown, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, The Shining, A Few Good Men, Batman). My first job out of college was serving as the file clerk at a small business management firm. This was a cold lead off the UCLA job board. My first task in the hiring process was signing an NDA that I would not write a salacious book about the clients. I had no idea our clients were all A-list Hollywood actors. Though we had 30+ clients, almost all of my filing was for Nicholson. Jack never came to our Century City office. Our boss, Bob, always went to him. Jack rarely called. But I happened to be on phones when a 310 area code call came in. I immediately recognized the voice. “Bob, please.” I paused a moment and then in my best Hollywood voice asked, “Whom may I ask is calling?” He gave a super-slow, methodical, dramatic, one name answer...“Jack.” I wanted to say, “Bob, you want, Bob? You can’t handle Bob!” (If you are A Few Good Men fan you are smiling). But wisdom prevailed since I really needed the job to pay my rent.

Bob’s ex-wife, Nina, ran the office (kinda weird in a Hollywood kind of way, right)? She taught me the ropes, always had a great story, and asked great questions about my faith. I started a small lunch time Bible study at our 15 person office. She was Jewish but really curious about Jesus. I loved filing but I hated making copies (Jack’s contracts, royalties, and auction bid art purchases from Sotheby’s) because the office copy machine was cooked. Only Nina had the special touch. I called her almost every day. She’d waddle into my area, jiggle a few wires, and the copies would magically flow. Nina would then plop down with her coffee and we would launch into a 30-minute chat.  One day I finally asked her to show me how to fix the copier. I thought I was a burden to her. But she came back with a quick, resolute, “No!” I asked her why. She said, “If I show you how to fix the copier, there’d be no reason for you to call. And I enjoy your friendship.”

So it is with God. At the core of creation is a family. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have enjoyed overflowing love relationship since before the beginning. You and I are made in the image of God. Therefore, our deepest longings are satisfied when we experience life in unending circle of Trinity-love.


What are the broken copiers in your life that God has chosen not to fix so you will call Him? Jesus loves you that much! I pray you enjoy sweet fellowship with the Father, the Son and the Spirit this week!

Until Next Tuesday,


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About the Author

John Teter is a pastor, mission leader, and author based in Long Beach, California. He's written four books on the topics of theology and evangelism, and a growing library of articles.