1-1-1: How Jesus Tied the Strong Man Up
Mar 5, 2025
“Don't love the world's ways. Don't love the world's goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world—wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important—has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him."
– Eugene Peterson
Today is the first day of lent. The season of lent is the five Sundays before Palm Sunday and Easter. During this season the church focuses on Jesus’ sacrifice and death. We grapple with the implications that the Living God died a death only intended for murderers and traitors. Jesus’ death and resurrection is not merely a universe altering event, but also a pattern for our discipleship. Like Jesus, we are called to deny ourselves. Like Jesus, we are called to pick up our cross. Like Jesus, we are called to die so that we might be raised.
Every Monday night, young adults from our church dig into an inductive study of Mark’s Gospel. The title of our study is ‘Win Your 20s’. One dominant theme through the first five chapters is Satan and his dark army. Satan is first introduced when he tempts Jesus in the wilderness (Mark 1:13). Jesus then casts a screaming demon out of a man in a synagogue on the first day with his disciples (1:25). The religious leaders are so troubled by the light of the Kingdom, they declare Jesus is possessed by Satan (3:22). Jesus responds by teaching that evangelism, discipleship, healing and the casting out of demons was happening because the strong man was bound (3:27). This begs the question, “Who is the strong man and when was bound?” The attentive reader returns to the wilderness. The outcome of Jesus’ 40 days of wilderness temptation was binding up Satan. Once he has been tethered, the plundering of his goods (humans who were formerly under his control) is a given.
This lent, I pray God gives us keen awareness of how we can partner with the Holy Spirit to bind the strong man in our lives, families and ministries. Becky and I are learning that to plunder the enemy’s goods, we must pray and preach. And if we really want to see God move, we must fast, pray and preach. This lent, may you pick up your cross, deny yourself, and follow Jesus into your 40 days of battle!
If you are like me, your heart breaks at the unbelief in the hearts and minds of those we love. Will you fast, pray and preach for someone you love this season of lent?
Until Next Tuesday,
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About the Author
John Teter is a pastor, mission leader, and author based in Long Beach, California. He's written four books on the topics of theology and evangelism, and a growing library of articles.