1-1-1: Happy Birthday, Becky Teter

Mar 4, 2025



“John, you do know that Becky in the center is why this all works, right?”

– Pastor Darrell Johnson


Today is Becky Teter’s birthday! Becky was an inner-city church planter when we became friends and began dating. She ran an evangelistic tutoring program for city children, taking care of them so no one fell behind in math and English. I was tasked with finding good urban ministry experiences for USC students. I will never forget seeing all the children lined up after school at Becky’s home, eager to learn the Word and grow in their academics. In 2000, God gave me the incredibly undeserved gift of Becky as my wife.

Proverbs 31:10-31 is a famous section anchored by the Hebrew word yare. It is often translated as fear, or respect, in the English language. But this word is so much more. To yare the Lord means to rejoice, delight, trust and find joy in the Living God. To yare the Lord is to really, really, really love God. This love for God is the foundational and unchanging quality of the Proverbs 31 woman. As we enter year 25 of our marriage, five themes from Proverbs 31:10-31 are vibrant in Becky’s life and ministry.

1. Character - The Proverbs author begins the section asking, ‘A woman of noble character, who can find?’ (Proverbs 31:10). Character is moral alignment with God’s revealed will and standards.

2. Work - The woman who fears the Lord rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household (Proverbs 31:15). Kobe Bryant said he doesn’t speak the same language as lazy people. The Proverbs 31 woman and Kobe speak the same language. 

3. Finances - The mature-Christian woman considers the field and buys it (Proverbs 31:16). I take that to mean her character in finances are shaped by God. She is a long-term thinker. She is never a financial burden because she brings in way more than what goes out.

4. Poor - The woman who yares God opens her hand to the poor and the needy (Proverbs 31:20). While other women climb society’s ladder towards luxury, comfort and exclusive community, the woman who loves God knows the way up is down.

5. Children - The woman opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue (Proverbs 31:26). As a mother she does not just raise children who are good people who gain the world. She loves God so she parents for discipleship-faith.

This morning, I honor my amazing wife. It is grace upon grace to experience Becky daily. I deeply admire her Bible habits, character, work ethic, financial wisdom and restraint. Her work at 5000 Pies blesses people who can never pay her back. She parents our children for faith. And she fills everyday with laughter. Becky is a beautiful woman who yares Jesus' Father!


What is one quality of a disciple who yares the Father that you want to work on today?

Until Next Tuesday,


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About the Author

John Teter is a pastor, mission leader, and author based in Long Beach, California. He's written four books on the topics of theology and evangelism, and a growing library of articles.