1-1-1: 6+1 is the Rhythm of Wholeness

Jan 28, 2025



“Humans runs best when we obey God’s rhythm of 6 + 1.”

– Darrell Johnson


In the Genesis 1 creation story, the first six days follow a pattern. Moses provides a summary statement at the end of each day. But the pattern breaks. When we get to Sabbath, there is no summary statement. Day 7 has no end. Day 7 is different in quantity. If the first six days are the finite color grey, the seventh day is the endless color of blinding light.

God’s blesses the birds and sea creatures (Genesis 1:22). The blessing is how they are fruitful and multiply. God then blesses the male and female humans (Genesis 1:28). The blessing is how they are fruitful and multiply. Did you know there is one more blessing? Praise God that He blesses the seventh day (Genesis 2:3). In the creation account, God only blesses the living birds, animals and humans. But then He blesses a day. And in some mysterious way, Day 7 is alive. Blessed! The first six days of the week are inanimate but the Sabbath is alive. Day 7 a sparkling, dazzling, energized light of grace is 24 hour period, provided every single week, inviting you to be fruitful and multiply in God.

We are not created to handle the pain, problems, and pressure of life every day, day in and day out. (And we also weren’t created for lazy leisure every day). God made us living creatures who must stop every Day 7 to rest, reflect, and worship. Old Testament scholar Ronald Wallace, teaches that God resting on Day 7 cannot mean He stops being God. Instead, He invites his people to experience in a way that is different from Days 1-6. I have kept Sabbath for 30 years. I want to scream from the mountaintop, “Never miss out on Sabbath because God loves us different on ‘The Only Living Day!’ On Day 7, God has met me with tender healing from abandonment disorder.  On Day 7, God has opened up the book of John. On Day 7, God told me to marry Becky. On Day 7, God gave prophetic words surrounding each our children’s birth. On Day 7, God called us to church planting. I could go on and on. On Day 7, God loves us in a powerful and personal way that He holds back during the week. Will you enter into Sabbath rest?


I know many of us are stuck in overwhelming life rhythms. We feel more like ‘human doings’ than ‘human beings.’ You might ask, “Life is so busy. How can I stop to keep Sabbath?” I would contend, ‘Life is so busy, how can we NOT stop, worship and enter into ‘The Only Living Day?’

Until Next Tuesday,


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About the Author

John Teter is a pastor, mission leader, and author based in Long Beach, California. He's written four books on the topics of theology and evangelism, and a growing library of articles.